Expert Mode: Copy/Delete, Advanced Settings
· | Automatically update shortcuts when they are copied or moved: SyncBackSE can be configured to automatically change shortcuts that are copied so that the copy points to the correct file. For example, if your source is C:\ and your destination is D:\ and you copy a shortcut that points to C:\abc.txt then you may want it to be changed to instead point to D:\abc.txt. In this example you would set the root folder for shortcuts on the source/left to C:\ and the root folder for shortcuts on the destination/right to D:\ |
· | Make safe copies (copy files using a temporary filename and then rename the file if the copy is successful - reduces performance): When this option is ticked then SyncBackSE will copy files in a two stage process: first it will copy the file and use a temporary filename, then it will then replace the destination file with the temporary copy if the copy was a success. This avoids problems where the destination file may be deleted because the original file could not be copied, e.g. because it is locked and cannot be replaced. With FTP it is actually a three stage process as it must delete the file being replaced before renaming the temporary copy. This option is enabled by default. |
· | Prompt to retry if a file is locked or cannot be copied: If this option is enabled then SyncBackSE will prompt you if it cannot copy or delete a file, e.g. because it is locked, no access rights, etc. The prompt gives you the opportunity to close the program that has the file locked so the file can be copied or deleted by SyncBackSE. If you are running the profile in unattended mode, e.g. from the Windows Scheduler, then no prompt is made and the file will be skipped (an error message will be recorded in the log file). There is another option in SyncBackSE to close certain programs before a profile is run (see the Auto-close page). |
Note that if you've also enabled the option to replace/delete after a reboot then you will not be prompted. |
· | If a file cannot be replaced/deleted because it is locked then replace/delete it after a reboot: If a file cannot be replaced/deleted because it is locked then SyncBackSE can configure Windows so that on the next reboot the file will be replaced/deleted. This option must be used with care because it cannot be guaranteed that the file will actually be replaced/deleted and there is no way to know if it did or did not. |
Note that if you've also enabled the option to prompt to retry if a locked file cannot be copied then you will not be prompted.
These features cannot be used to replace in-use files on FTP servers. Also, if NTFS compression is being used the replaced file will not be NTFS compressed. |
· | Prompt to retry if source/left or destination/right drives do not exist: If a drive does not exist, e.g. because it has not been connected or the network connection is not available, then a prompt will be displayed. Note that if the profile is run unattended then no prompt is displayed and the profile will fail. |
· | If a file cannot be copied because of security (Access Denied) then try Backup Read/Write copy method: The Backup Read/Write file copying method lets a user (who is a member of the Backup Operators user group) backup files that they have no access to. When this option is enabled if a file cannot be copied because you have no access rights to it then the backup method is used to try and bypass the file security. |
· | Do not replace newer files with older files: If ticked then new files are not overwritten (replaced) by older files. This option is only available under certain conditions. |
· | Force the file modification date & time to be correct: Sometimes the file system that files are copied to cannot correctly record the files last modification date & time. For example, when using SAMBA shares there can be occasions when the file will have the current date & time as it's last modification date & time. To resolve this SyncBackSE can forcibly change the new files last modification date & time to be correct. Note that this option is not available when using compression. There is another option (see the Compare Options, Date & Time page) to ask SyncBackSE to ignore small date & time differences. This can also be useful in avoiding problems where the file system cannot accurately record date & times. |
· | Copy file creation date & times: By default copies of files are given the current date & time as their creation date & time. If this option is enabled then the creation date & time is copied. Note that FTP servers cannot store file creation date & times. |
· | Reset the archive file attribute on files once they have been copied: When enabled the archive attribute on a file, both on the source/left and destination/right, will be cleared once the file has been copied. Enabling this option will slightly decrease performance. This option is not available when doing Fast Backups. |
· | Remove the read-only attribute from copies of files (useful when copying from a CD-ROM): In some situations, when a file is copied to a CD/DVD, then the file may automatically be marked as read-only (not by SyncBackSE, but by the file system driver in Windows). If this option is enabled then any read-only flag put on the copy of the file will be removed automatically. |
· | Do not overwrite read-only files (ignored when file to be replaced is on an FTP server): If the file to be replaced is read-only, and this option is enabled, then the file will not be overwritten. |
· | Do not delete read-only files (ignored when file to be deleted is on an FTP server): If the file to be deleted is read-only, and this option is enabled, then the file will not be deleted. |
· | Do not use the Volume Shadow Copy service (VSS) to copy open files: SyncBackSE can copy open/locked files by using the Volume Shadow Copy service that is part of Windows XP, 2003, and Vista. However, if you cannot or don't wish to use this service then you can enable this option. |
· | Delete ALL the files and folders in source/left before scanning for changes: This option should be used with extreme care! It will delete all files and folders in the source/left folder before it scans for changes. Be extremely careful with this option as you could very easily delete all your files, e.g. if your source/left is C:\ then you will delete every single file on your C: drive. You have been warned. |
· | Delete ALL the files and folders in destination/right before scanning for changes: This option should be used with extreme care! It will delete all files and folders in the destination/right folder before it scans for changes. Be extremely careful with this option as you could very easily delete all your files, e.g. if your destination/right is C:\ then you will delete every single file on your C: drive. You have been warned. |
· | Limit the bandwidth usage: If a value above zero is entered then when copying files the local network bandwidth usage is limited to what is specified (kilobytes per second). Note that there are some cases where the bandwidth usage cannot be limited, e.g. when using compression. There is a separate setting to limit the FTP bandwidth usage on the FTP, Advanced page. |
All Content: 2BrightSparks Pte Ltd ⌐ 2003-2006